Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 40

Please bear with me & read thru this long post.  Or at least look at the pics.  It will be worth it in the end, I PROMISE!!!!

I drove across the river to get (cheaper) gas today.  Since I had a few minutes to kill before picking up the kids, I decided to see if I could get some Eagle pics with my fancy pants new camera!  I pulled over to where the eagles usually hang & got this pic.  Not so exciting although you can tell the one one right is a bald eagle.  I don't know if the one on the left is a golden eagle or maybe just a hawk.  Probably not as eagles don't hang w/other birds.

So, I drive to the dam to see if I can get something better.  Well, apparently, they don't clear bird watching roads!  It's all icy & I turn around to come back.  But, I get this cool shot of the cool Alton bridge!!

I pick the kids up from school & the route I take home takes me back by the river again.  OOOO, there are FOUR eagles in the trees on the side of the road.  MUCH CLOSER!!!  I take the pic.  OOOO, I guess this is where I need to learn about depth of field & that stuff.  BUMMER!!!!  But, you can tell it is a bald eagle, right??

Here are 3 of the four.  What, you can only see two???  Well #3 is the blur next to the 2 in my watermark.  LOL

But, since I am so close & other people are now stopping to get pics, I try again from a better angle.  SUCCESS!!!  Now, when Scott asks me again what I want for Valentine's Day, I can tell him, a LONGER LENS!!!  LOL

I seriously LOVE this pic.  I might even print it & enter it into the local Eagle photo contest!!!


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Suzi. You are doing wonders with that new fandangled gadget of yours. Keep up the good work. Oh yeah, the bald eagle is gorgeous too.

  2. Suzi, that is AMAZING! Well done!
